A group of about 40 gathered this morning at Plymouth’s Fire Station II to pay tribute to the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
The Met Council granted its approval for the expansion I-494 through Plymouth – including the addition of a third general-purpose lane.
The 17th-annual Plymouth on Parade will kick off Sept. 27 with a parade, followed by free family-friendly activities and entertainment.
The city is looking to host vendors that offer pet care, merchandise or expertise, or any other product or service that relates to domestic pets.
The City of Plymouth will hold buckthorn and invasive species education workshops to help teach residents how to curb the growth of these plants.
MnDOT: County Road 47 between Yucca and Teakwood lanes will close at 5 p.m. Sept. 7. The road will be closed through the end of October.
Enjoy dinner and entertainment while helping to raise funds for senior and veteran programs in Plymouth. Deadline to register is Sept. 18.
The town hall will lead a discussion about heroin and how the issue is connected to home medicine cabinets. The public is encouraged to attend.
MnDOT will close County Road 47 between Yucca and Teakwood lanes Tuesday, Sept. 2, so that crews can widen the I-494 bridge. The roadway is expected to reopen by mid-October.
Bring perennials and swap them out for new plants at the Sept. 8 plant swap at the Plymouth Maintenance Facility.